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During my first year of my degree I chose to study an 

additional module in "specialist technology". This module looked more in depth at civil engineering and structual engineering, the majority of the year we studied electronics and coding. The context included electronic circuitry and schematics, components and microcontrollers.  What I particularly enjoyed the most however was the study of microcontrollers, it got me thinking how I could utilise technology into my product design, and subsequently the predominant focus for my first-year project looked at consumer electronics and appliances. 


This small portfolio will showcase a small sample of some of the practical work I produced through this short module to hopefully demonstrate my skills.

a taster of my electronics and coding skills

This was a project to use an Arduino UNO microcontroller combined with other components to produce a product that would respond to changing inputs or surroundings. I produced this robot that runs on two 5v motors, motor shield circuit board, a servo and a ultrasonic sensor to navigate around a room. The robot will navigate around its surroundings and the head will rotate scanning for obstacles. If the sensor detects an obstacle, the Arduino will decide which is the most appropriate route to take and adjust the power to the wheels as required to avoid any obstacles. A sample of the code I wrote for this product can be found below.

More electronics and programming to come in the new year from my 'advanced microcontrollers' module.

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